Does EMF Protection Really work?
If you have ever explored EMF protection for yourself, your family or your loved ones, you’ve probably asked yourself (or have been asked) does EMF protection really work? (EMF) protection is often surrounded by controversy and differing opinions. EMFs are generated by various electronic devices, cell phones, laptops, headphones and many other common devices. The answer is YES, EMF protection actually works. WaveBlock® has been scientifically proven to help protect against EMF and RF radiation waves.
There are other products on the market that claim to protect your from harmful EMF and RF radiation waves, but they are not proven to work as well as WaveBlock® does, WaveBlock® is on a much higher level as we have been perfecting this process using science, for many years.
EMF and RF radiation waves have been debated on for a long time. According to this article by FCC.GOV scientists have determined that EMF and RF radiation is a normal occurrence, but enhanced and becomes dangerous when you factor in man-made products: https://www.fcc.gov/engineering-technology/electromagnetic-compatibility-division/radio-frequency-safety/faq/rf-safety#:~:text=Exposure%20to%20very%20high%20RF,heat%20that%20could%20be%20generated.
EMF and RF radiation is 100% real, and so is EMF and RF radiation protection.
You can protect yourself using WaveBlock® technology. Here are some EMF protection products to battle man-made EMF and RF radiation waves.
Protect your head: https://www.waveblock.com/collections/earbuds
Protect your phones: https://www.waveblock.com/products/waveblock-phone-protect?variant=41908171341877
Protect your iPad: https://www.waveblock.com/products/waveblock%E2%84%A2-iblock?variant=41574387187765
Protect your MacBooks: https://www.waveblock.com/products/waveblock%E2%84%A2-mblock?variant=42174761926709
If you would like more information on how you can protect yourself from harmful EMF and RF radiation waves, please contact WaveBlock® today! Info@WaveBlock.com