Biohack Your Gut Health With EMF Radiation Protection from WaveBlock
Protect Your Gut and Family: How WaveBlock™ Reduces EMF Radiation Exposure
At WaveBlock™, our biggest mission has always been to help protect men, women, and especially children, from the harmful effects of EMF radiation. Our patented and lab-tested stickers allow you to use your cell phone, earbuds, laptops, tablets, and other tech devices in a safer way by reducing the amount of EMF radiation you are exposed to.
In other words, our WaveBlock™ stickers are a form of biohacking. What is biohacking? Biohacking is a term used to describe employing different methods to improve overall performance and health. The WaveBlock™ team has spent countless hours creating products that allow people to biohack their health by keeping them safe from EMF radiation.
Many of our customers experience a variety of negative health effects due to EMF sensitivity, including headaches, fatigue, nausea, and more.
Although the topic of EMF radiation and its negative health effects may still be a newer conversation, there is growing research to prove that there is valid reason to be concerned about consistent, long-term EMF exposure. Lengthy usage has been linked to serious health concerns such as fertility issues, tissue damage, mental health concerns, and even cancer.
In our modern world, we are constantly surrounded by EMF pollution. EMFs are emitted by power lines, microwaves, WiFi routers, 5G towers, hot spots, and almost all of the tech devices we use on a daily basis. While the effects EMF radiation can have on our physical health are becoming more documented, one area that is often overlooked is its impact on our gut microbiome.
Did you know that EMF exposure is also being linked to potential gut issues? Many biohackers are on a mission to figure out how to solve different issues in their lives. One of those common issues is gut health. Some people try biohacking their gut health by changing their diet, taking supplements, and using red light therapy. But what if using WaveBlock™’s EMF protection stickers can also be a way of biohacking your gut health?
In order to show you why it’s important that EMF radiation affects your gut health, we first need to explain gut health and what can happen when you don’t have a balanced gut.
What exactly does WaveBlock™ mean by gut health?
Have you ever heard of the brain-to-gut connection? Maybe you’ve heard about how what we eat has a massive impact on our physical well being? These are just two examples of why what is happening in our gut can have a huge effect on our overall health.
The gut microbiome is the term used to describe the very complicated ecosystem of microorganisms that live inside of our digestive tract. These microorganisms play a critical role in nutrient absorption and digestion. A lack of balance in the gut microbiome can lead to gastrointestinal issues like bloating and gas, but it can also lead to fatigue, weight gain, sleep issues, and more.
Your gastrointestinal tract is estimated to contain about 1,014 bacteria strains that are living and thriving. Although bacteria is often deemed a negative word, there is both bad and good bacteria. The good bacteria is what helps keep your gut microbiome balanced. Some bacteria can cause disease and some bacteria are vital to your health.
The WaveBlock™ team also knows that the gut is considered the “second brain,” proving that it does far more than just digest food. Our gut microbiome helps with neurodevelopment, immune system maturation, and even central nervous system functions. It has over 30 neurotransmitters, which is similar to the amount in our brain. An astonishing 95% of your body’s serotonin is found in your gut!
This is all to say that gut health isn’t just about your stomach. It’s about so much more. Disturbances to your gut microbiome can be linked to metabolic disease, IBS, cancer, and more. We will get into that in the next section.
How Does Bad Gut Health Affect Your Overall Health?
As the WaveBlock™ team illustrated above, your gut health reaches far outside your stomach. Consistent scientific research has shown that disruptions in the balance of gut bacteria, known as dysbiosis, can lead to several health issues. The problem is that most doctors don’t always tell you that your gut microbiome can cause these issues, which is why biohackers have tried taking their health into their own hands.
Three common issues biohackers focus on are weight concerns, autoimmune disease, and poor energy. Let’s explain how those can be connected to the gut:
- Weight Concerns: Having bad bacteria in your gut and/or killing good gut bacteria can lead to unintentional weight changes. If your body can’t properly absorb nutrients and regulate blood sugar, you may experience weight gain. You can also experience a sudden loss of weight from Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). SIBO happens when bacteria that is supposed to live in the gut, begins to grow in the small intestine.
- Autoimmune Disease: When the immune system that lives in your gut gets overwhelmed, you can develop something called leaky gut syndrome. This allows toxins to escape the gut and enter the bloodstream, which can result in systemic inflammation and tissue damage. This ultimately results in your immune system being overworked, distressed, and susceptible for autoimmune disease. A study showed that patients with autoimmune disease had higher levels of gut bacteria than that of those without autoimmune disease.
- Poor Energy: The WaveBlock™ team constantly has customers tell us that by biohacking their health with WaveBlock™ stickers, they have successfully resolved their sleep issues and improved overall energy by reducing EMF exposure. Did you know that poor energy can come from EMF hypersensitivity and gut health issues? When your gut microbiome isn’t in homeostasis, your serotonin production can be thrown off, which prevents quality sleep. This is very similar to how the blue light and EMFs that come off our devices can cause serotonin disturbances. Poor sleep leads to bad gut health and vice versa.
How Does EMF Radiation Negatively Affect Gut Health?
There are several ways that gut health can be affected by exposure to EMF radiation. EMF exposure, especially close to the stomach (think phone or laptop in your lap), can reduce the growth of beneficial bacteria, promote the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, interfere with yeast growth, and more.
Although this topic still needs much more attention, there are studies that show the impact of EMF radiation on gut health. A study conducted in China found that EMF exposure in mice led to a decrease in gut microbial diversity and altered microbial composition structures. The researchers gave the mice long-term exposure to a 4.9 GHz wireless signal, similar to the strength of a 5G signal, targeted at their gut microbiome. These types of changes are what can directly contribute to the gut dysbiosis mentioned earlier.
Another study leads researchers to believe that EMF exposure can create pathogens that are antibiotic resistant, which contributes to the decrease in good bacteria. The study specifically looked at how two types of bacteria (listeria monocytogenes and escherichia coli) were affected by exposure to EMF radiation from a GSM 900MHz cell phone and a 2.4GHz WiFi router. Researchers found that the exposure led bacteria to become more resistant to antibiotics.
The World Health Organization has stated that antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to human health globally because it makes diseases harder to treat.
Dr. Thomas Rau found that beneficial bacteria grow at a slower rate when in the presence of EMF radiation, which allows the bad type of bacteria to grow more quickly and potentially take over.
How to Prevent EMF Radiation From Negatively Affecting Your Gut Health
WaveBlock™ is here to help you biohack your gut health. Our goal has always been to help our customers stay safe from EMF radiation. We have a wide array of resources on how you can keep you and your family safe. Here are some ways you can biohack your gut health:
- Support Your Gut: Your diet understandably has a large impact on your gut microbiome. Eating foods rich in fiber, fermented foods, fruits, and vegetables, will help you keep your gut happy so that you can counteract any EMF radiation you are exposed to. You can also take probiotic supplements to increase good bacteria in your gut.
- Reduce Your EMF Exposure: There are so many easy ways to reduce your EMF exposure. You can opt for wired connections (ethernet cords, wired headphones, wired keyboards, etc). You can use airplane mode when not on phone calls. You can use a speakerphone instead of putting your phone close to your body. You can remember to not keep your laptop on your lap!
- Get EMF Protection: Our WaveBlock™ stickers are simple, easy-to-use, and affordable. We make EMF protection stickers for several models of phones, earbuds, tablets, laptops, and more. In addition to our stickers, you can get EMF protection blankets.
- Turn It Off: Try to create as many EMF-free zones as possible. When you aren’t using your WiFi, turn the router off. Keep bedrooms EMF-free zones. Don’t sleep with your phone on or close to you.
Biohack Your Gut Health By Reducing Your EMF Exposure
While more research is certainly needed, there are studies that show a correlation between EMF exposure and negative impacts on gut health. There is reason to believe long term exposure can cause harm to our microbiome, which is crucial to overall health.
The WaveBlock™ team knows and understands that part of the reason there aren’t high levels of research on this topic is because these advancements in tech are new. Our phones and computers didn’t need so much power (and therefore EMF emissions) to work ten years ago. They couldn’t perform as many functions as they do now. In our digital age, it’s normal to want the latest and greatest tech. However, tech companies don’t warn us enough about the potential harmful effects of EMF exposure.
If you’re looking to biohack your health, please consider purchasing WaveBlock™ EMF protection stickers. The peace of mind alone has led to over 2 million units being sold.
If you have any questions about our products, research, testing, or EMF radiation, please feel free to contact the WaveBlock™ team.