5 children sitting in a window sill all on tech devices.

Are Tech Devices Harmful to Children?

Whether tech companies want you to believe it or not, the high-powered gadgets we use every day give off radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation. Your laptop, wireless earbuds, cell phone, tablet, and so much more need to emit radiation in order to communicate with Bluetooth devices, WiFi routers, cell towers, and more. 

Consistent exposure to EMF radiation has been proven to cause a plethora of health issues, from headaches to infertility to tissue damage. In this digital era, we are constantly surrounded by devices that emit radiation. It affects men, women, and children. 

But, did you know that the most vulnerable population is children? 

little boy sitting on a bench next to a brick wall holding an ipad

A quick side note before we explain why. WaveBlock™ is a company that was started by a concerned dad during the pandemic. He noticed that his kids were spending large amounts of time in front of computers, iPads, and using wireless earbuds in order to do school from home during lockdown. Our founder wanted to see how this affected his children, and the research he found was alarming. That’s why he started WaveBlock™. He set out to create a company that produces products that help protect families from EMF radiation given off by tech devices. Since then, he and the WaveBlock™ team have put in hours of research and testing to create stickers for your favorite tech devices. Our easy-to-use stickers are lab proven to significantly reduce your EMF radiation exposure.

Back to the topic at hand. What did the research show? It showed that kids, babies, and even unborn children are far more susceptible to the negative effects of EMF radiation due to their body composition. Because kids have smaller bodies, the radiation emission is able to travel farther into their bodies than that of an adult. Furthermore, kids have more conductive tissues that allow EMFs to permeate their bodies more easily. Children's skulls are also thinner than adults, which means they can absorb almost 10 times the radiation. The founder of WaveBlock™ even discovered that some countries have banned the use of WiFi in nurseries and kindergartens because of these findings!

Our children's small, developing organs could be greatly affected by EMF radiation. This may not have been as much of a concern many years ago, when phones were far less powerful and people weren’t constantly walking around with multiple EMF-emitting devices on them at a time. However, our current youth and future generations are being born into a digital world. From digital baby monitors to WiFi routers, they are exposed from a very early age.

The WaveBlock™ team isn’t trying to tell you to put your kids into a bubble. We know that technology is a necessary part of life. However, we do want to educate you on the fact that your children are more susceptible to EMF radiation than adults are. Plus, chronic exposure at a young age can lead to serious health concerns.

So, what can you do? Knowing the facts is the most important thing. Trying to limit your child’s exposure and giving them EMF-protection devices is the next best step. Here are some helpful tips to keep your kids safe from EMF exposure:

chart showing different ways to reduce EMFs
  • Airplane Mode - Using airplane mode on any applicable devices greatly reduces the amount of radiation emitted by that device. Try to keep devices in airplane mode as much as possible

  • Distance is your friend - The WaveBlock™ team knows you can’t avoid technology completely, but try to keep distance as much as possible, especially when a device is on.

  • Turn it off - If your child isn’t actively using their laptop, phone, or other devices, we suggest turning them off completely so they aren’t emitting radiation. Even if your screen isn’t on, your phone, tablet, earbuds, or laptop are all constantly searching for a wireless signal or WiFi connection. If they are on, they are emitting radiation. (However, not using the device or keeping it in airplane mode certainly lowers radiation levels.)

  • Opt for wires when you can - Have a wired connection whenever possible. Have your child use a wired mouse, an ethernet cable for the internet, plug-in headphones, wired keyboards, etc. These devices connect directly to the internet or devices without needing Bluetooth or wireless connectivity, which results in less EMF exposure. If your child wants to use wireless earbuds or a tablet, we recommend our patented WaveBlock™ stickers to reduce radiation.

  • Invest in EMF protection devices - Obviously, we are biased about our products. We encourage you to check out our detailed lab reports that show the efficacy of our products. We offer EMF protection for several brands and models of cell phones, earbuds, tablets, and laptops. Be careful of scams, too! If a company claims to block 100% of radiation of a tech device, they are lying! Devices need to emit some level of radiation in order to work. Our hours of research helped us discover the maximum amount of radiation we can block while still allowing your devices to work properly. You can also invest in EMF protection blankets for your children.

  • Pre-download content - Trying to keep your kid entertained on a long flight or drive? Pre-download content! This way, you won’t need WiFi or cellular connection for your child to access their music, TV, games, or movies.

  • Laptops off the laps - Laptops can get very hot, which is already not good for reproductive organs near the lap. They also emit radiation. If your child uses a laptop for school or enrichment, encourage them to keep that laptop on a table and equip that laptop with a WaveBlock™ sticker.

  • Create EMF-free zones - Your child may need their computer or phone to do certain things. But can you create EMF-free zones? Can the dining room be a place away from tech? How about the playroom? The WaveBlock™ team encourages you to create spaces where your kids can be safe from EMFs.

  • Do your product research - Some tech devices have lower EMF emissions than others. Do your research on if you can opt for a gadget (whether it’s a smart watch, fitness tracker, earbuds, or anything else) that prioritizes EMF safety.

  • Please contact us if you have any questions about children and EMF exposure or our devices. In the meantime, here are some additional tips from the Environmental Health Trust.
    image of mom and two kids sitting on a bed, kids are side by side next to mom, mom is holding a cellphone in her hand with a WaveBlock EMD protection sticker


    WaveBlock™ samBlock (Androids)

    WaveBlock™ iProtect (iPhones)

    WaveBlock™ EarProtect (Earbuds)

    WaveBlock™ iBlock (iPads)

    WaveBlock™ mBlock (MacBooks)

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