Common Sources of EMF Radiation in Homes & How to Protect Yourself
At WaveBlock™, we have always had the same goal — protect men, women, and children from electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation. EMF radiation is the term for invisible areas of energy generated by electric and magnetic fields surrounding our electronic and electrical devices. EMF radiation exists on a spectrum of varying frequencies. Things like microwaves would be lower on the spectrum, whereas gamma rays and x-rays are on the higher end.
Did you know that several of our tech devices emit EMF radiation? The team at WaveBlock™ has spent countless hours researching, engineering, designing, and creating easy-to-use stickers that reduce your radiation exposure from devices like cell phones, laptops, tablets, wireless earbuds, and more. In fact, WaveBlock™ is proud to say that we have created the first and only U.S. patented technology proven to reduce EMF radiation exposure without affecting the efficacy of your devices.
Aside from creating products that give you more peace of mind when using technology, the WaveBlock™ team also prides ourselves on educating families about EMF radiation and how you can protect yourself. In this article, we will focus on how you can protect yourself within your own home.
While there is no denying that the invention of cell phones and other tech have massively helped our society, humankind has also contributed to creating several types of artificial EMF radiation. While electricity and technology improve our lives, it is also important to know that long-term exposure to EMF radiation has been linked to several health issues such as migraines, fatigue, fertility issues, mental health concerns, and even cancer.
So how can you protect your family? And what in your home could be emitting EMF radiation? Let’s talk about it.

What are different forms of EMF Radiation pollution?
When it comes to where you live, there are three main types of non-ionizing (as opposed to ionizing) radiation the WaveBlock™ team wants you to be aware of:
- Magnetic and electrical field EMFs: This includes things like power lines, high voltage transmission lines, electrical substations, and electrical equipment.
- Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) or “Dirty Electricity”: This comes from dimmer switches, smart meters, fluorescent lights, and switched-mode power supply.
Radiofrequency (RF) EMFs: These are the most common forms that come from things like cell phones, laptops, wireless devices, Wi-Fi routers, and Bluetooth technology.
Did you know that dozens of countries, not including the United States, have actually put protective policies in place regarding EMF radiation? Countries like Germany, Israel, France, Poland, and others have placed EMF radiation limits that are more strict than the ICNIRP. Most of these countries put limits in places near schools and parks because it has been scientifically proven, and corroborated by the WaveBlock™ team, that children are more susceptible to EMF radiation dangers than adults due to their thinner tissue and developing bodies.
What are the most common sources of EMF Radiation in homes?
At WaveBlock™, we find that most people don’t realize that our most common gadgets emit radiation. Even though smaller tech devices or appliances may emit lower levels of radiation, long-term, proximal exposure puts humans at higher risk.
Here are the most common sources of EMF radiation in or near homes:
- Wi-Fi Routers
- Wi-Fi Extenders
- Cell Phones
- Cordless Phones
- Plasma/Smart TVs
- Smart Light Bulbs
- Laptops/Tablets
- Computers
- Smart Meters (electronic devices that record energy consumption information)
- Microwaves
- Heating Pads
- Hair Dryers
- Electrical Wiring
- Security Cameras
- Cell Towers (depends on proximity to your home)
- Power Lines (depends on proximity to your home)
- Dimmer Switches
- CFL & Fluorescent Light Bulbs
In terms of external factors, through our research, the WaveBlock™ team knows that people’s homes are at the highest risk when they are within 700 feet of a high voltage power line. If your smart meter is attached to your home, try to have it be located as far away from bedrooms in something like the garage or a storage shed. You can also cover your smart meter in an EMF shielding panel.
In general, the more distance from the above devices you can get the better. The chart below shows your exposure lessons by distance. Below are some more tips from WaveBlock™ about how to reduce EMF exposure in your home.

How to Reduce EMF Exposure in Your Home
The devices you carry around your home the most are probably your cell phone, laptop, tablet, and wireless earbuds. Thankfully, the WaveBlock™ team has EMF radiation protection stickers for all of those gadgets for several brands and models. This way you can reduce your EMF exposure from the devices that are closest to you the most.
Here are some other tips for EMF reduction in your home:
- Keep your distance from your devices when charging if possible - Even if your laptop or phone is off or not connected to Bluetooth/Wi-Fi, there is still EMF radiation emitted from the power supply. Avoid making calls when your phone is charging.
- Never keep your laptop on your lap - Use a desk, computer stand, or table when using your laptop. The heat coming off your laptop can cause skin damage and fertility issues.
- Don’t stand by your microwave when heating your food - as we have mentioned, distance is key!
Create a sleep sanctuary so that you’re not exposed to EMFs while sleeping
- Do not charge your devices close to your bed and preferably not in your bedroom
- Use a battery powered alarm clock rather than your phone for an alarm clock
- Keep TVs far from your bed
- Don’t sleep with your head or body near a wall that has an electric panel or smart meter
- Unplug appliances and electronics in your bedroom when you go to sleep
- Unplug appIiances when not in use
- Turn off your Wi-Fi router when you are not using Wi-Fi
How to Know if You’re Experiencing EMF Radiation Sensitivity
In our digital age, we are around EMF-emitting devices more so than ever. EMF exposure can lead to EMF hypersensitivity. It may be worth seeing if your symptoms change by using WaveBlock™ stickers. Many of our customers report a reduction in EMF sensitivity. If you are still having concerns, we encourage you to consult a medical professional. Here are some common symptoms of EMF sensitivity:
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Skin Tingling
- Ringing in Ears
- Brain Fog
- Nausea
- Anxiety
Protect Your Family and Home With WaveBlock™
Technology helps us do so much. The WaveBlock™ team isn’t trying to scare you. We just want to inform people so that they can make the best health choices for them and their families.
While we can't protect you from power lines or smart meters, we can help you reduce radiation from some of your most-used tech devices.
If you have any questions about EMF radiation, how our devices work, want to see our lab reports, or anything else, please feel free to contact our team. We would love to help.